Papert’s 8 Big Ideas – Korean translation
Papert’s 8 Big Ideas (Korean Translation) by Ungyeol Jung and Doyong Kim 시모어 페퍼트 교수가 설립한 구성주의 학습 연구소의 8가지 빅 아이디어 #1번째 빅 아이디어는 ‘경험을 통해 학습하는 것(learning by doing)’입니다. 정말 재미있는 것을 하면서 배울 때 어느 누구라도 더 …
Papert’s 8 Big Ideas (Korean Translation) by Ungyeol Jung and Doyong Kim 시모어 페퍼트 교수가 설립한 구성주의 학습 연구소의 8가지 빅 아이디어 #1번째 빅 아이디어는 ‘경험을 통해 학습하는 것(learning by doing)’입니다. 정말 재미있는 것을 하면서 배울 때 어느 누구라도 더 …
8 grandes ideas detrás do Laboratorio Construccionista de Aprendizaxe Translation to Galician language by Paola Guimerans Extracto da tese doutoral.“An Investigation of Contructionism at the Maine Youth Center” de Gary Stager 2007. Por Dr. Seymour Papert (1999) A primeira gran …
BBC Micro:bit Micro:bit getting started Handout: micro:bit getting started with MakeCode plus connecting external motors, LEDs, & speakers/headphones – now complete with radio tutorial (PDF) Gary Stager’s micro:bit project starter Ideas Super collection of Scratch and micro:bit activity cards and …
micro:bit and Microcontroller Development Board Workshop Resources Read more »
Once in a blue moon, a technology comes along that meets the needs of learners, classrooms, and is sufficiently powerful to create opportunities beyond the limits of our imagination. The BBC micro:bit may just be that rarest of edtech unicorn. …
Dr. Gary Stager will lead the presentation, “ISTE Celebrates the Father of EdTech – Seymour Papert’s Legacy and Powerful Ideas,” at his 31st ISTE/NECC Conference as a presenter.
Hello World is a free, glossy, well-edited magazine for educators published by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Gary Stager has written two featured articles in the first four issues of the publication. His latest article, Professional Development Gets Personal, shares lessons …
Sylvia will be the welcome keynote for the Union School District “Future Ready Summit” on making in education, STEAM, and PBL.
Dr. Gary Stager was invited to write a profile of his friend, colleague, and mentor Dr. Seymour Papert for the premiere issue of Hello World!, an impressive new magazine for educators from The Raspberry Pi Foundation. This new print magazine is also …
Dr. Gary Stager will be in residence at the International School of Dusseldorf (Germany) for a week of parent presentations, public lectures, teacher PD, student projects, classroom collaborations, consulting, and workshops.
Gary Stager has been invited to join colleagues from around the world in a daylong symposium and celebration of his friend/colleague/mentor Seymour Papert at the MIT Media Lab. The session will be live streamed and likely archived online.