Dr. Gary Stager was invited to write a profile of his friend, colleague, and mentor Dr. Seymour Papert for the premiere issue of Hello World!, an impressive new magazine for educators from The Raspberry Pi Foundation. This new print magazine is also …

Seymour Papert – Father of the Maker Movement Read more »

Independent School, the magazine of the National Association of Independent Schools just published a major new article by Dr. Gary Stager. Read Outside the Skinner Box: Can Educational Technology Make a Course Correction? NAIS – Outside the Skinner Box (PDF)

The following are some of our favorite things and stuff used in Invent To Learn workshops. Enjoy! Handouts Invent To Learn Workshop Handouts and TMI Robot Poster The complete set of our concise how-to guides for classroom or workshop use. …

Invent to Learn Workshop Shopping List and Downloads Read more »