Gary Stager’s Approach to Teaching Programming Masterclass Video & Resources
On June 18th, Dr. Gary Stager led an online masterclass, “Gary Stager’s Approach to Teaching Programming.” Below is video of the masterclass and resources related to the session.

- What’s Your Hurry?
- A Modest Proposal (using Scratch books as reading texts)
- Scratch and the Negligent Homicide of Mathland
- Time for Optimism
- Our most recent newsletter
Turtle Art materials
Logo activities
These activities designed for MicroWorlds EX should be applicable to other programming environments, like Turtle Art, Scratch, Snap!, and especially Lynx. If you translate any of these activities for other languages, please let me know!
- Old-fashioned Quilt Making in an Online Collaborative Setting – Use MicroWorlds EX in this simple open-ended creativity project. (2007)
- Making Aboriginal Dreamtime Designs with MicroWorlds – An interdisciplinary project (2000)
- Gary’s Fraction Software Activity
- 21st Century Logo Quilts – A Twist on a Classic Geometry/Art Activity (1999)
- Build Your Own Virtual Pet with MicroWorlds
Make Your Own Tamagotchi ©1998-99 Adam Smith with a bit of help from Gary Stager - Turning Math Manipulatives Inside Out (1998)
- MicroWorlds Claymation – Create your own Wallace and Gromit with one line of code! (2000)
Graphing Linear Equations in Snap!
Basic Computer Games books (pdf form)
- Basic Computer Games (first edition 1973)
- More Basic Computer Games (1980)
Veteran educator Dr. Gary Stager is co-author of Invent To Learn — Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom and the founder of the Constructing Modern Knowledge summer institute. He led professional development in the world’s first 1:1 laptop schools and designed one of the oldest online graduate school programs. Learn more about Gary.