Gary Stager’s 2019 CS Week Activities

Masterclass: Coding and Physical Computing Across the Curriculum with the micro:bit
Includes free micro:bit Go kit and Invent to Learn second edition! And lunch!
Millions of the BBC micro:bit are now in schools. Never before has so much power been accessible to children at such a low price. We will explore and use a variety of programming environments, similar boards, and accessories.

Not only is it unprecedented for this much computational power to be accessible to children and usable in a playful creative fashion, but the low cost of these materials democratize powerful learning opportunities. This creates the following opportunities:
- micro:bits can go home
- Projects do not need to be dismantled at the end of each class period
- Projects may include multiple microcontrollers
- Inventions may communicate with each other
- Programming is accessible via a variety of programming languages developed for learners and learning
- The range, breadth, and depth of possible projects appeals to a greater diversity of learners and teachers
This masterclass, led by Dr. Gary Stager, will introduce remarkable new technologies that may be used today to amplify the potential of each learner and expand the breadth, depth, and range of possible projects. Learn how the BBC micro:bit, MakeCode, SNAP!, Scratch 3.0, Hummingbird Bit robotics kit, Circuit Playground Express, microBlocks, Brainpad, Meowbot, and other emerging technology can supercharge project-based learning across the curriculum. These technologies and related constructive material create great opportunities to bring progressive education ideals to life in any classroom. Extension boards and materials from developers, including Kitronik, Sparkfun, and Adafruit will be available for tinkering.
The morning will be spent learning about the micro:bit, its “cousin” microcontroller development boards, and software appropriate for democratizing computing experiences across the curriculum. After lunch, you will tackle an engineering challenge using the new Hummingbird Bit Robotics Kit. Hands-on/Minds-on learning experiences will be the day’s focus.
Strategies for raising our expectations for learning with constructive coding and physical computing will be illustrated. A variety of micro:bit accessories will be available for hands-on exploration. Participants will discover ideas for exciting interdisciplinary learning adventures for learners of all ages.
Registration includes:
- Full-day hands-on workshop, complete with all materials supplied
- Your very own micro:bit Go kit
- Copy of the newly revised book, Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom – $34.95 value
- 15% off coupon for purchase of Hummingbird Robotics Kit products
- Lunch