Webinar archive: Top Ten Classroom Tools from the Maker Movement
Join Sylvia Martinez, author of Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom for a fast, fun tour through the top tools and resources of the Maker Movement that are perfect for STEM classrooms and projects.
Part of the online STEMxCon – a free global conference for educators talking about STEM and more! (That’s the “x”)
Click here for archived webinar – you will see everything in your browser, start to finish!
Top Ten Classroom Tools from the Maker Movement
The Maker Movement has exploded world-wide with amazing new (and cheap!) technology to invent and create. Learn about the top tools and resources that can be used to transform STEM and STEAM K-12. This session will provide an introduction to the concepts and technology you can bring to your classroom today, including 3D printing, robots, programming options, wearable computing, conductive paint, and more.
Participants will learn about the Maker Movement and the potential to bring new tools and technology to K-12 classrooms to support hands-on learning across all grades and curriculum – but particularly STEM and STEAM. This introductory session will provide information and resources across a wide range of tools and technology that can revolutionize learning. It will also cover the pedagogy of how to create engaging projects that meet the new expectations of the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards for more authentic, hands-on learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. The top tools and technology will be presented, each with a quick overview and classroom project ideas, plus links and resources for additional exploration after the session.
The tools and technology covered will include:
- 3D printing
- Fablabs and makerspaces
- Programming
- MaKey MaKey
- E-textiles
- Wearable computers
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Conductive paint
- Electronics
- Sensors
- Robotics
- Things not even invented yet!