Regional Victoria Invent To Learn Workshops
This special workshop series is sponsored by the Victoria Department of Education and Training.
Dates and Venues:
- 29 May – Warrnambool – Woodford Primary School
- 9 June – Maryborough
- 13 June – Wodonga
Space is limited! Register today!
The co-author of “the bible of the maker movement in schools,” 1:1 computing pioneer, and popular speaker, Gary Stager, returns to Australia for a series of exciting hands-on workshops across Regional Victoria. Learn to learn and teach with Hummingbird robotics, littleBits, Scratch, Snap!, Turtle Art, wearable electronics, Arduino, digital paper craft, programmable toys, and other exciting new materials in a project-based context.
Join colleagues for a day of hard fun and problem solving — where computing meets tinkering and design. The workshop begins with the case for project-based learning, making, tinkering, and engineering. Next, we will discuss strategies for effective prompt-setting. You will view examples of children engaged in complex problem solving with new game-changing technologies and identify lessons for your own classroom practice. Powerful ideas from the Reggio Emilia Approach, breakthroughs in science education, and the global maker movement combine to create rich learning experiences.
Participants will have the chance to tinker with a range of exciting new low- and high-tech construction materials that can really amplify the potential of your students. The day culminates in the planning of a classroom project based on the TMI (Think-Make-Improve) design model. Specific contents will be addressed for primary and secondary audiences.
You will learn:
- How new tools and technology can reinvigorate Project-Based Learning
- Best classroom practices for integrating maker technology
- How to plan engaging projects based on the TMI design model
- How to choose the technologies with the maximum learning impact
- How to make the case for making, tinkering, and engineering
Fabrication with cardboard and found materials, electronic circuits, wearable computing, Arduino, robotics, conductive paint, drones and computer programming are all on the menu.
Bring a laptop and your imagination. We’ll supply the rest (craft materials, art supplies, construction elements). Invention is the mother of learning!
This workshop is suitable for all schools, grades, and subject areas.
Dates and Venues:
- 29 May – Warrnambool
- 9 June – Maryborough
- 13 June – Wodonga
This special workshop series is sponsored by the Victoria Department of Education and Training.
Space is limited! Register today!