Invent To Learn Book Club – Part of Connected Educator Month
October is Connected Educator Month!
The US Department of Education is sponsoring the second annual Connected Educator Month (CEM). There will be online events all month for educators to connect and collaborate! The Connected Educator website has all the details.

CEM Book Clubs Open For Sign Up
The highly popular CEM book club has been expanded from one book last year to four this year, with a different book kicking off every week in October. This year’s books are:
- Teacherpreneurs: Innovative Teachers Who Lead But Don’t Leave – starts October 1
- The Connected Educator: Learning And Leading In A Digital Age — starting October 7
- Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom — starting October 21
- What School Leaders Need To Know About Digital Technologies and Social Media — Starting October 28
Each club will run for six weeks on edConnectr, CEM’s new matchmaking platform, and include a mix of live events and asynchronous discussions, with the authors of each book involved throughout. To find out more (including links to get copies of the books) and sign up for the club, visit the CEM Book Club page.
Join us for an opening Twitter chat with all the authors on October 1, 7 PM ET, hashtag #ce13