What’s going on in Mobile/Pensacola and Cincinnati?
One of the fun parts of having Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom on Amazon is their data tools. They continually add new tools for authors to see their rankings and sales data.
The latest is a geographic tool – and guess what, Invent To Learn has been selling like hotcakes in the Cincinnati area. For the last 8, 12, and 24 weeks, the Cincinnati, Ohio area has been the number one region in the U.S. for Invent To Learn. By a lot! If you look at the 52 week numbers, the Mobile/Pensacola area takes the lead. Again, by a lot – crushing the places you might expect – New York, Silicon Valley, or other “hotbeds” of making.
So what’s up Mobile, Pensacola, and Cincinnati? Don’t be shy, let’s hear from the makers out there!