In honor of Computer Science Week (aka: Hour of Code), Dr. Gary Stager, co-author of Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom, will be hosting a freewheeling two-hour-long Twitter chat on December 7th from 8-10 PM (EST) / 5-7 PM (Pacific).
This Twitter chat will singlehandedly double the length of “Hour of Code.” Just point your Interweb thingy at the Twitter machine and use the hashtag #2xcs to participate.
No topic is off-limits. Gary will be happy to discuss philosophical, pedagogical, and practical issues surrounding computer science education for all students (and their teachers).
Few people share Gary’s 35 years of professional experience advocating for programming and learning-by-doing across the curriculum. He created one of the world’s first computing summer camp programs, led PD at the world’s first “laptop schools” where programming across the curriculum was school-wide, edited ISTE’s Logo Exchange Journal, wrote project books for MicroWorlds, and has taught programming around the world to everyone from preschoolers through doctoral students. Dr. Stager’s work has earned a Ph.D. in Science and Mathematics Education and a Grammy Award. Gary is also on the advisory board of the NSF-funded project, BJC4NYC: Bringing a Rigorous Computer Science Principles Course to the Largest School System in the US. Learn more about Gary Stager.