Resources: Maker Education

Guides, resources, communities, events, and organizations supporting making in education

Guides and resources
Communities and events
  • K-12 Fab Labs and Makerspaces Forum – A google group of K-12 educators who share ideas, projects, and resources.
  • Maker Faire – See and share inventions around the world at one of hundreds of Maker Faires and Mini Maker Faires around the world.
  • Maker Education Initiative (MakerEd) – Promotes maker clubs and making in schools.
  • Digital Promise – Supports maker-style learning through research, micro-credentials, and resources for educators, leaders, and policy makers.
  • Edgerton Center Makerspaces – The Edgerton Center at MIT hosts a website with a collection of makerspace resources.
  • Nation of Makers – A U.S. nonprofit dedicated to helping support America’s maker organizations through advocacy, resource sharing, and the building of community within the maker movement and beyond.
  • MakeSchools – Resources and contacts for colleges and universities in the United States supporting the maker movement on their campuses and in their communities.
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