Join Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez on Connected Learning TV, January 7 at 4PM PST.
This event will kick off CLTV’s Jamuary webinar series, which focuses on maker-educators in schools, libraries, and after-school programs.
In January 2016, CLTV partners with Howard Rheingold and National Writing Project’s Educator Innovator to convene a series of webinars on “Maker-Ed.” Maker-educators in schools, libraries, and after-school programs are awakening and feeding interest in discovery, invention, and hands-on learning with new tools such as Makey-Makey, Arduino, and Scratch. In this series, webinar participants describe how focusing on invention, tinkering, and design can deeply engage learners, give tips for how to bring making into the classroom, and discuss making in both in school and out of school settings.